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Kitchen - Easy Cookbook 1.0 - App Store

About Kitchen - Easy Cookbook

Over 1.939.820 downloads in 139 countries TOP FOOD & DRINK PAID APP IN CANADA, USA, FRANCE... We used to learn to cook by peering over our mother s shoulder as she chopped and sauteed onions, browned meat, added her...

Over 1.939.820 downloads in 139 countries TOP FOOD & DRINK PAID APP IN CANADA, USA, FRANCE... We used to learn to cook by peering over our mother s shoulder as she chopped and sauteed onions, browned meat, added her favourite seasonings, and fried, simmered, or roasted her way to a delicious family meal. We marvelled at her impressive special occasion cakes and puddings, and vowed to make them just as well when we grew up. These days, this time-honoured way of learning how to feed ourselves good food is disappearing. Many of our mothers were not taught to cook themselves, so could not pass on their knowledge to us. This app will bridge that gap. The step-by-step images will lead you through every aspect of making a meal, from something as basic as how to chop an onion, to showing you when a custard is thick enough, to what a caramel should look like in the saucepan. In this app, you ll find more delicious recipes, from time-honoured classics such as roast beef and Yorkshire pudding or lemon meringue pie, to the mouthwatering modern treats of sushi, crisp salmon with coriander pesto, or homemade pasta. Before you know it you ll be producing baguettes to beat any you can buy, or turning out irresistible chocolate-orange truffle cake. There is something for everyone in this book, whether you prefer not to eat meat, have only minutes each day to cook, love to entertain with flair, or simply need to feed a growing family. Many of the recipes suggest simple ways to vary a dish, serving as starting points for your own imagination as your cooking confidence grows. You ll find a recipe for every occasion here, too. A summer party will be a huge hit when you serve a whole poached salmon with watercress sauce, while friends will clamour for an invite to supper when they know you ll serve an exotic and delicious Moroccan chicken tagine followed by a cinnamon-orange. Your cooking education starts here. Enjoy the journey!

Requires iOS 6.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Previous Versions

Here you can find the changelog of Kitchen - Easy Cookbook since it was posted on our website on 2016-10-18 05:47:24. The latest version is 1.0 and it was updated on 2024-04-22 17:19:43. See below the changes in each version.

Kitchen - Easy Cookbook version 1.0
Updated At: 2015-01-16

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Downloads: 1
Updated At: 2024-04-22 17:19:43
Publisher: AnGia Le
Operating System: IOS
License Type: Free Trial